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Baked Hot Chocolate


Serves 8

Preheat Oven to 350º.
1. Melt in double boiler whisk and set aside. Do not over cook.
                12 oz       Chocolate, dark, chopped
                8 Tbs      Butter cut into cubes
2. In a medium bowl, whisk until light and fluffy.
                6                      Eggs
                1+1/2 Tbs        Sugar or more to taste
                1 tsp                 Vanilla
                2 Tbs               Cointreau or Anise
                1 pinch              Cayenne
                1 pinch              Salt
3. Fold into chocolate mixture.
4. Spoon into buttered bake cups.
5. Place cups in bake dish water with water, half way up to baking cups
Bake at 350º for i5 minutes, until tops lose their glossy finish with a delicate crust on top to your touch.

Optional Serve with whipped cream lightly sweetened with Cointreau or Anise

Gluten Free Pancakes

These were inspirited by Dale Figtree. Thank you!

Serves 4
1. In a blender mix until smooth:
8                      Eggs
4                      Bananas, ripe
2 cups             Walnuts
2 Tbs               Coconut Oil
1 tsp                Vanilla
½ tsp               Nutmeg
½ tsp               Cinnamon
1 dash             Salt
2. On medium heat butter a large skillet using ⅛ measure cup to pour batter
    to keep the pancakes small.

3. Cook until golden brown and turn over and let pancakes puff up a bit.


Potato Pancakes with a Twist

Serves 6
1. In a large bow, mix together:
            2                      Leeks, sliced thin and chopped
            1                      Fennel Bulb, sliced thin and chopped
            8 medium        Potatoes, grated
            4 cloves           Garlic, minced
            8                      Eggs, beaten first
            1 cup               Almond Flour
                                    Salt and Pepper to taste
2. In a large pan warm:
            2 Tbs               Coconut oil
3. With hands make medium size balls and flatten down into the pan.
    Cook until browned on both sides.

    Serve with Crème Fraiche or Yogurt

Holiday Nut Loaf

                                                                   This yummy nut loaf is gluten free

Makes 3 loaves for 12
1. Sauté in large pot in the order given
                        2 Tbs                             Olive oil
                        2                                    Onions
                        2 large                           Carrots, chopped
                        3 stalks                          Celery, chopped
                        1                                    Leek, sliced thin
                        1 ½ lbs                          Mushrooms, Shitake and Button
                        4 Tbs                             Ginger, peeled and chopped
                        I head                            Garlic, peeled and chopped
2. Turn heat off and add:
                        1½  cup                         Rice, cooked
                        1 ½ cups                       Almond, chopped
                        1 cup                             Walnuts, chopped
                        ½ cup                            Pine Nuts
                        4                                    Eggs
                        ½ cup                            Parmesan cheese
                        1                                    Lemon zest
                        1 cup                             Cheddar cheese, grated
                        1 Tb each                      Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, Thyme
                                                              Salt and Pepper to taste
3. Place in two buttered loaf pans.

    Bake at 350º for 45 to 60 minutes. Test with toothpick or knife

New Cookie Jar Top


When the glass top from the cookie jar fell and broke, Enrico, my husband offered to make a new one. I have to say I am delighted.
Inside are my Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies which I have blogged before. I make
them all the time.

Preheat oven to 350º
 1. Mix together:          ½  cup            Butter, melted
                                    ¼  cup             Coconut Oil
½  cup             Sugar or Xylitol (or ¼ cup each)
2                      Eggs
1  tsp               Vanilla Extract
1  whole          Lemon Zest
2. Add and mix:          2 cups             Almond Flour
                                    2 cups             lmond Meal
                                    ⅔ cup             Cacao Nibs
                                    ½  tsp             Baking Powder
                                    1 pinch           Salt
                                    ⅔  cup            Dark Chocolate Chips  (72%)
3. Make into small balls and press down gently on cookie sheet lined with Parchment paper.

Bake at 350º for 18-20 minutes until just browned.

Vegan Cheese Ball


I’m so excited to have made vegan cheese. It is surprisingly delicious. I adapted this recipe from the internet. It can have many variations to give it different qualities.

Vegan Cheddar Cheese Ball
1. Soak for 2 hours, drain and rinse.
                        1½ cups          Cashews, raw
                        2 Tbs               Sun Dried Tomatoes, cut into tiny pieces
2. In food processor blend cashews and tomatoes and add the rest:
This will take up to 10 minutes scrapping down the sides incrementally.
                        ¼ cup              Nutritional Yeast
                        ½ cup              Coconut Oil
                        1½ Tbs            Miso Paste
                        1 Tbs               Rice Vinegar
                        1 tsp               Turmeric Powder
                        ½ tsp               Smoked Paprika
                        1 pinch            Cayenne
                        1 tsp                Salt
3. Place in bowl and refrigerate for 4 hours.
4. When firm remove with spatula and roll into ball.

5. Optional: Roll over nut pieces or parsley or thyme.

Ratatouille Omlette

Serves 4
1. I n a large pan on medium-low heat sauté until softened, about 10 minutes.
                2 Tbs                      Butter or Olive Oil
                2 medium               Japanese Eggplants, sliced thin with skin.
2. Add to skillet, cover and cook another 5-7 minutes.
                2 large                    Heirloom Tomatoes, cut into chunks
                3 cloves                 Garlic, minced
                1 bunch                  Cilantro, with tops cut into small pieces
                2 cups                    Spinach, fresh
3. Add and cover again, until eggs have firmed up on top and cheese melted.
                6                            Eggs
                1½ cup                  Swiss Cheese, grated and sprinkled around.
                                              Salt and Pepper to taste.

Plum Punch

I had a book signing party for my new memoir Stairway to Paradise: Growing Up Gershwin and offered this punch.
Heat in a Medium Pot for one hour and chill:
  • 1 cup               Water
  • 40                     Plums, pitted
  • ½ cup              Sugar
  • 3 cloves         Clove
  • 8 Inches         Ginger, freshly grated
  • 6 inches         Turmeric, freshly grated
  • 1 stick              Cinnamon
Serve straight or add:
  • ½ cup              Sparking Water
  • 1 sprig            Mint

Marica’s Truffle


This is a variation on my daughters recipe that she serves on her PaiKu Food truck in Portland OR.

    Makes 60
1. Heat and melt in a double boiler:
                        32 oz              Dark Chocolate
                        1½ cups          Heavy cream
                        2 tsp                Vanilla
                        8 drops            Bergamot Essential Oil, food grade (optional)
                        8 drops            Lavender Essential Oil, food grade (optional)
                                     (Inspired by the flavored, Earl Grey tea called Paris Fog)
                        1 pinch            Cayenne
                                                Salt to taste
2. Pour onto parchment paper on a cookies sheet, and spread about ½ inch thick
3. Refrigerate
4. Cut into 1 inch squares and roll into balls
5.  Dip in unsweetened cocoa powder

Non-Gluten Pizza

             I love Pizza but am very picky and now even more picky to find a good non-gluten crust.
                                              Here is one I made that I think is really good.
Preheat oven to 350º
1. In a large bowl mix well:
            2 ½ cups                     Almond Flour
            ½ tsp                           Baking Powder
            1 Tbs                           Parmesan
            ½ tsp                           Salt
2. In another bowl mix well:
            4                                  Eggs
            2 Tbs                           Olive oil
3. Mix egg mixture into flour and shape into a ball.
4. Place dough ball on a large piece of parchment paper on a flat surface. With another piece of       parchment paper on top of ball and using a rolling pin, press out dough to ¼ thickness.
5. Remove top sheet from dough. Slide onto a cookies sheet.
    Bake at 350˚ for 15 minutes and remove from oven for topping.
    Topping: This can be your choice but I have my suggestions below
6. In a medium bowl mix together:
            3 cups                         Tomatoes, canned or fresh, chopped
            1 Tsp                           Oregano
            1½  Tbs                      Balsamic Vinegar
            1 Tbs                           Honey
7. For layering:
            2 cups                         Cheese, cheddar or Swiss
            ½ cup                          black Olives sliced
            ½ cup                          Red Onion, sliced
8. Layer with tomato first and add topping in order given above.
    Bake again for 12 – 15 minutes or until cheese is melted.
    Garnish with:

            ½ cup                          Parmesan

Dover Sole with Ginger Gastrique

Dover Sole with Ginger Gastrique
This is an amazing simple sauce to put over sole or jumbo scallops.
It is well worth the trouble to buy fresh ginger and fresh turmeric.
    Serves 4
1.  When ready to cook, have very fresh at room temp and dry:
2 lbs                Sole or (16 Scallops)
2. In a saucepan on low heat, cook for about five minutes until thickens:
                        1 Tbs               Honey
                        2 Tbs               Sherry Vinegar
            Remove to a small bowl and add (to be used over fish when cooked)
                        1 cup               Pomegranate Juice
                        2 Tbs               Ginger, freshly grated (no need to peel before grating)
                        2 Tbs               Turmeric, freshly grated (no need to peel before grating)
3. In a large pan, cut into thin slices and sauté a few minutes until just starting to brown and put aside.
                        1 medium        Leek
                        2 Tbs               Coconut Oil
5. Using the same large pan that you used for the leeks, add oil and sauté, two minutes on one side and one minute on other side
                        2 Tbs               Coconut Oil
                                                Dover Sole*
Once dished out pour sauce over the fish.
Serve over cooked brown rice or cellophane noodles
6. Garish with 1 cup               Pomegranates, fresh
* Scallops
In a large pan place cook seven scallops in two batches.
Cook for 4 minutes, flip and cook until crust starts another 2 to 3 minutes.

Add more oil if needed.
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